Friday, August 30, 2013

Have you ever wanted a book with adventure, mystery and one that is super fun? Well then come to the school library check out Wiley and Grandpa's Creature Features: Curse of the Kitty Litter by Kirk Scroggs!

It all starts out when Grampa gets a phone call from Bad Table Manor. They had very bad news. Grampa's 4th cousin passed away. He left something in his will for Grampa.

The next day they go to Bad Table Manor. The Maid said "If you stay the night in this place, you get what you came here for"...they accepted. A couple of days later Merle, the family cat, enters a cat show.

Will they make it through the night? Will Merle win the cat show or will it all go wrong?

I hope you enjoy my book review and hope you check out this book!

Abby, Mr. Bauer's 4th Grade Class

Hello! My name is Madison and I’m a fifth grader here at Pride Elementary School.
Here is a little bit about the book The Littlest Owl by Caroline Pitcher and Tina Macnaughton.
There were four white owl eggs. Three of them hatched and when the fourth one hatched, he was smaller than the other three and he was white as snow. His brothers and sisters said he was too small and short. Everyone else was trying to learn how to fly and he just sat in the nest. While they were sleeping he was trying to teach himself how to fly. He got tired and went to the nest and fell asleep. The wind started to pick up and the tree that the nest was in was really old so their mom told them to wake up because the tree was going to crack in two.
Do you think he will make it out in time? Read this story to find out!

I like this story because it is cute and I love baby owls! And that is a little bit about The Littlest Owl.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Waiting for the Magic

I love a good  dog story and am looking forward to reading this book by Patricia MacLauglin! You can check Wating for the Magic out in the library! In the meantime, what are some of your favorite books about dogs? Please share your answers by clicking on the "comments" link below.


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Welcome Back Pride Falcons!

I know we are going to have a great year and I cannot wait to share all of the great books and resources in our library with you!